Rinnovabili: affidabilità e prevedibilità

Scopo di questo spazio è contribuire all’armamentario culturale che andrà a comporre la tua visione delle cose.
Senza adottare opinioni a priori, ma netto nella posizione.

Quando non c’è sole o vento, le Rinnovabili non producono? Cerchiamo di capire di più su queste fonti tradizionalmente ritenute non programmabili. Le approfondiremo secondo affidabilità e prevedibilità, per poi affacciarci al ruolo delle Smart Grid. 

Fonti: Renewable Energy Storage: https://bit.ly/3T2l4Vy | Immagazzinare energia nei pannelli fotovoltaici: https://bit.ly/3einoJk | Come immagazzinare energia solare: https://bit.ly/3S0FwW5 | Un nuovo fluido conserva l’energia solare per 20 anni: https://bit.ly/2CU00es | Batterie per il fotovoltaico, come funzionano: https://bit.ly/3Esutld | Seconda vita batterie auto: https://bit.ly/3ChHyLA | Domande frequenti su batterie solari: https://bit.ly/3VbbMIE | Study shows promising material can store solar energy for months or years – Lancaster University: https://bit.ly/3SRIcGz | | Wind energy physics and resource assessment with Python: https://bit.ly/3T3c6r4 | Collecting and Storing Energy from Wind Turbines: https://bit.ly/3Ch1vBZ | Energy modeling tools: https://bit.ly/3VdpmLt | Trends in tools and approaches for modelling the energy transition: https://bit.ly/3MicIXv | Modelli predittivi: cosa sono e in quali casi si usano | https://bit.ly/3Eru6Hp | Volatile but predictable: Forecasting renewable power generation: https://bit.ly/3EokPjp | Predictable and renewable power – energy’s unicorn? https://bit.ly/3SEGDM5 | Renewable Energy Intermittency Explained: Challenges, Solutions, and Opportunities – Scientific American blog: https://bit.ly/3ypGAMe | Solar PV and Wind Supply: https://bit.ly/3fSzeub | Smart Grids are vital for energy efficiency: https://bit.ly/3CizgTz | Demand-Side Energy Storage System Management In Smart Grid: https://dro.dur.ac.uk/11756/1/11756.pdf | Smart Grids: https://www.iea.org/reports/smart-grids | TennT sonnen IBM: https://bit.ly/3yrVotH | Cos’è la tecnologia Blockchain? https://ibm.co/3fH1i3q | Distribution of solar photovoltaic module production worldwide in 2020, by country: https://bit.ly/3EtOiZy | Reliability of Suppliers of High-Purity Chromium Metal
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 1995. High-Purity Chromium Metal: Supply Issues for Gas-Turbine Superalloys. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/9248 | The Reliability of Renewable Energy Systems: Why the Conventional Wisdom Is Wrong: https://bit.ly/3efXiqh | Speicher entlasten Stromnetz und Geldbeutel: https://bit.ly/3VbdvO8 | Elektrische Speicher: Supraleitende magnetische Energiespeicher, Kondensatoren: https://bit.ly/3fRrecX | Nicht abschalten – sondern umwandeln: https://bit.ly/3CGO7IQ | Energiespeicher: Wasserstoff statt Batterie: https://bit.ly/3EsvXMj

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